Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here.

I help people who have metabolism and blood sugar issues understand why they don’t feel their best so they can finally feel empowered to take the steps to reclaim their health and vitality and keep it for life.

Because I’ve been there, and I get how confusing and frustrating it can be to try to take care of yourself and not sure which advice to follow.

Like I said, I’ve been there in more way than one.

Cystic Acne that started when I was about 10 years old and if I’m not careful I can still deal with to this day (I’m in my 30’s). I wore a lot of makeup to try to cover it up and ended up doing a round of accutane in my teens and then another round in my 20s. Plus who knows how many other rounds of different medications, face creams, etc.

I’ve experienced the heartbreak, confusion, and frustration of miscarriage. While I’m still on this journey I am so hopeful for the road ahead.

And weight gain. I topped just shy of 320 pounds. Through diet and lifestyle I dropped 50 pounds and am making more headway all the time.

And a multitude of other symptoms such as afternoon crashes, mood swings, painful periods, and cravings for coffee and sugar. All this had to do with my blood sugar.

Spring 2023 everything came to a head…..

My husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for a year with only a miscarriage to show for it. I had several periods that were so painful they completely wiped any energy I had out and took my several days to recover from. And then I started having hives. Horrible itchy hives that kept me awake. I was lucky to get 4 hours sleep at night. The only semi relief I could get was from an ice bath or a cold shower. And even that was fleeting.

I took a referral to a functional medicine practitioner because I was sobbing through the ice baths. I was willing to do whatever I had to to get out of this mess. She put me on a keto diet which helped some. But I made a lot more headway when I started fasting. My weight improved, my labs improved, and the hives were gone, hopefully never to be seen again.

However, I knew that wasn’t something that I wanted to do long term. It was fine for healing, but it wasn’t the way I necessarily wanted to live my life.

During one of those nights that my husband watched me sob through an ice bath he told me that I needed to write down everything I did because if I could heal myself and get this figured out I needed to help other people.

Six months after starting the work on myself my husband had taken a new job and with that came an opportunity I had dreamt about for years. I would be able to afford and pay for the Nutritional Therapy Practitioner Program via the Nutritional Therapy Association. I was able to leave my job and start the 12 month course in February 2024.

Over the next 12 months I learned so much about the human body but also myself. How I had gotten to such a bad place with my health. I cried tears of joy with the realization. I also improved my blood sugar markers to the optimal range and maintained that 50 pound weight loss.

And now I’m officially a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and ready to help you.

For more information on what a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner is click here.

If you’d like more information on how working with me would look like click here.

To join my waitlist and register for your questionnaires click here.