Nutritional Therapy

Utilizes your goals, information on your health history, your current eating habits, and what your body currently is telling you via symptoms to come up with diet and lifestyle recommendations just for you

I then look at that information through the lens of the

5 Foundations of Health:

  • Nutrient Dense Diet

  • Sleep

  • Stress

  • Blood Sugar Regulation

  • Digestion

If these 5 foundations are out of balance, it shows up in your health. I work to help you bring all of them back into balance.


What works for one person may not be what works for another. That’s why working with a practitioner like me can be so beneficial. You get a customized protocol with recommendations just for you and where you are in life.

I take the time get to know you and your story. I spend 60 minutes with you right away to get to know you and come up with a starting point.

We then spend another 45 minutes together going through this starting point and collaborate on the changes to implement.

Nutritional Therapy takes time. From here we spend 45 minutes together every two weeks (holidays and vacation can space this out). During that time we talk about how the recommendations are helping you and tweak them as needed. I am always evaluating what you are reporting back to me against your goals and the foundations of health so your health can improve slowly but surely.

I also am reachable via text throughout the week if you have questions or something comes up.

If you are struggling with your health and want a practitioner that won’t spend 10 minutes with you and tell you “eat less and move more”, let’s chat. I offer free questionnaires and discovery calls before clients commit and to make sure I’m the best fit for you. If I’m not, I will make a solid recommendation for someone who will help you best!